Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The outing to the museum Sursock

1- The hall of portraits:
  • Tarbouch (It's the hat that we see on the head of men).
  • Difference between the paintings.
  • People in the paintings have asked from the painter to draw them.
  • Sculpture (منحوتة).
2- In this hall there are portraits dated from 1940 to 1950.

Khalil Zghér:
Khalil Zghér didn't draw in 3D, he didn't know how to draw like everybody.

3- The arabic salon:
  • In this salon people made meetings.
  • There were more than 30 000 photos.
  • Every three months they changed photos.
4- In this hall we saw photos of Egypt:
  • In that period they climbed up the pyramides (which is very dangerous today).
  • There were different pairs of photos that were drawn profile and face.
  • The photos dated from 1860.
5- The office of Nicolas Sursock:
  • He didn't have children, he wasn't married, and he was the owner of this house which is the municipality of Beirut.
  • His death: 1952.
  • This museum was opened 9 years later (1961).
6- Autumn's salon:
  • We can't always understand the painting.
  • All the floors have a permanent collection, which means that the museum buys the paintings and keeps them (permanent# temporary).
7- Some names of artists:
     P.D. Corni, Khalil Zghér, Nicolas Sursock, Manet, Fouad Dirbasse.

                                                                Fidélia Kinj
                                                                      6th 4

Visiting sursock museum

Sursock Museum, which is officially known as Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, is a modern art museum in Beirut Lebanon. Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock built the private villa that   now houses the museum in 1912. The museum opened its doors in 1961.More than a hundred exhibitions have been held at the museum displays including works of Lebanese and international artists. The museum collection consists of over 800 artworks.There is an exhibition titled "collective memory" which was presented at the Sursock Museum in the Lebanese Capital.

La sortie au musée Sursock

1- Salle des portraits:

  • Tarbouch (c'est le chapeau qu'on voit sur les t†êtes des hommes).
  • Différence entre les tableaux.
  • Les gens dans les tableaux ont demandé au peintre de les déssiner.
  • Sculptures (منحوتات)
2- Dans cette salle il ya des portraits qui datent de 1940-1950.

    Khalil Zghér:
    Khalil Zghér ne déssinait pas en trois dimensions, il ne savait pas déssiner comme tout
    le monde.

3- Le salon arabe:
  • Dans ce salon les gens faisaient des réunions.
  • Il y avait plus de 30 000 photos.
  • Chaque 3 mois on changeait les photos.
 4-Dans cette salle les photos venaient de l'Egypte.
  • A lépoque, ils montaient sur les pyramides (ce qui est dangereux aujourd'hui).
  • Il y avait plusieurs paires de photos qui étaient déssinées profil et face.
  • Les photos datent de 1860.
5- Le bureau de Nicolas Sursock:
  • Il n'avait pas d'enfants, il n'était pas marié et il était propriétaire de cette maison qui est la municipalité de Beyrouth.
  • Sa mort: 1952.
  • Le musée a ouvert 9 ans plus tard (1961).
6- Le salon d'automne: 
  • On peut pas toujours comprendre les tableaux.
  • Tout l'étage a une collection permanente, c'est-à-dire que le musée achète des tableaux et les garde (permanente≠temporaine).
7- Quelques noms d'artistes peintres:
    P.D.Corni, Khalil Zghér, Nicolas Sursock, Manet, Fouad Dirbasse.

                                                                                                         Fidélia Kinj
                                                                                                           6ème 4


Monday, January 23, 2017

Akira Toriyama

  Akira Toriyama born in April 5, 1955 in Nagoya. He's Japaneese and he create the manga Dragon ball and many others for example Dr.Slump, Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon... and many others mangas.
  He has become the number 74 on the  of the TOP 100 Game Ceators of all time.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Holiday in Faraya

I spent 3 days in Faraya during the Christmas & New Year holidays. I went there with my family where we had lovely and amazing days of fun.

By Maya Barakat

My saturday routine

   Every saturday in the morning, I take a shower then my breakfast . In the afternoon I buy comics and I go to the village and I play with my friend Nour ,my sister Natacha and my cousin Christine. In the evenig I watch dvd with my family.

My trip to Paris

In February 2016 I traveled to Paris with my
family. We went from the aeroport to Disneyland. We stayed one day in Disneyland. Then we went to Paris. We visited The Eiffel Tower.